Properties of goji berries

The goji berries are often cited as ” probably the result of more dense nutrients of the earth”

They have been used for millennia by the people of Asia , particularly in areas which are mostly inaccessible and in which  human life was and is still difficult , such as Tibet , Mongolia and in the more rural areas of China. The population of these regions have enjoyed for thousands of years the benefits of this berry , which are described in many books on Tibetan , Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as the berry of longevity , a definition that says a lot about the extraordinary properties of Goji berries .

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There are 41 varieties of goji berries , 40 of which  are Tibetan Goji . The Tibetan goji  grow in soil free of contamination and pollution due to the extreme isolation of the mountainous region, where as the Chinese goji berries unfortunately suffer from intense treatments of pesticides and DDT.

A Tibetan saying : “Eating goji berries in the morning makes you happy for the rest of the day .”

The goji berry has one of the largest percentages of Antioxidants (ORAC ) in the world, according to the table ORAC fruits and vegetables essential oils. The goji berries have 500 times the vitamin C than an orange and more iron than the spinach .


Door to hell, Turkmenistan

A unique but little-known place near Darvaz, Turkmenistan

 Near the small town Darvaz in Turkmenistan is located a peculiar natural phenomenon called  “the door to hell.” In fact, nature has very little “guilt” in creating this phenomenon.


How was the door to hell formed ? It all started back in 1971 when scientists from the then Soviet Union were sent to explore the area for the presence of natural gas. Well, they indeed  discovered natural gas reserves . It turned out , however, that under the surface there is a huge underground cave and digging during stability studies violates its surface.It then collapsed and left a hole with a diameter of about 70 meters and a depth of about 20 meters. To prevent the free flow of poison gas, geologists decided it was best to ignite the hole.They  Expected the gas to burn a few days and then continue to work safely on the site. To their unpleasant surprise gas not only burned for a few days , but continues to burn to this day – over 40 years after the accident . Whether it was right or wrong  to ignite the gas one can not say definitely , but the fact is that during these four decades the door to hell has burned huge amounts of gas.

So , today we are witnessing the phenomenon “door to hell” due to the nature, with little help from  scientists’ error !

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The history of coffee…

We do not know exactly when the coffee was discovered for the first time , but archaeologists have found descriptions of the use of coffee as a medicine in the Arab world in writings dating back to 900 AD

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A legend attributes to the discovery of coffee to an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi (around 300 BC).
He observed that his flock was very active when the animals ate certain red berries ;
so decided to try them and discovered the energetic effect of the coffee berries . Gradually the  use of the coffee berries as food energy spread over the world and people learned that they could prepare a tasty drink by first boiling and then fermenting the berries .

From Ethiopia the use of coffee spread to neighboring areas , when the first coffee plantation was built in Yemen. The cultivation then spread to Arabia and Egypt, where coffee drinking (called ” Kahweh ” ) soon became a daily habit .

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The coffee became popular in Europe in the 17th century and its popularity grew very quickly. At the beginning of 1600 ” coffee houses ” began to rise a little everywhere, especially in Italy, France, Britain , Holland and Germany .
Earlier – in 1570 – the coffee was introduced to Europe by a Venetian doctor , Prospero Alpini . Venice was the first Italian city to enjoy the coffee and to have public spaces where it can be enjoyed. The oldest, the Cafe Florian,  continues to offer the precious drink  under the arcades of Piazza San Marco. In Italy , among the aristocrats , coffee soon became a precious gift to offer as a symbol of friendship or love. The coffee culture soon spread throughout the peninsula and also other cities had their ” coffee houses ” : the Greek Cafe in Rome , Caffè Pedrocchi in Padua , Caffè San Carlo in Turin.

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The first machine to make coffee at home was invented in Naples in 1691 by the famous Neapolitan coffee maker . People would use that tool metal , clean water , and 4-5 grams of finely roasted coffee to prepare three or four cups of coffee at once and drink it at home .It soon became a ritual in Italy to conclude the meal with a cup of aromatic coffee .
The coffee was freed early with a reputation of ” aristocratic drink ” and spread to all social classes. Then it became a daily habit to enjoy the pleasure of an invigorating drink . The Espresso was combined with other ingredients , and the most famous coffee-based beverages have Italian names : Espresso, Cappuccino, Macchiato . Over the years Italy has become the official ambassador of the philosophy of Espresso .

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How to awake your creativity

“Creativity is the power to connect what seems incoherent.” ~ William Plomar

Can we really become more creative?

 Being creative is a skill that can revive  only if we are willing to do so. Each one of us has the ability to create, explore and play. Each one is set in a natural curiosity that constantly provokes the question: “How does the world create’”. Over time we have began to stifle that part of ourself.


 Usually, the human brain craves to go down the easy path, not the most creative. It is lazy by nature. When faced with a problem, the brain first looks in its database for ready solutions that have been used in the past and have been unsuccessful. He does not waste energy to generate a new solution when old ones can work just as fine.

What happens if you put yourself tempted to challenge your brain?Start putting it in different or more complex issues than those that are used to handle Then go beyond the standard and increase your creativity.

Anything can inspire us. We can increase creativity step by step.

Gain a first time experience! Take:

  • – A digital camera or camera phone
  • – Notepad and pen
  • – Folders, boxes, scrapbook, message board.

Another way to increase creativity is to change the habits and stereotypes.

Do you have a strict routine in your daily life? Do you get up at the same time,do  you dress a certain way, do you go to work as you walk down the same road every day, in two words do you move on autopilot?

This is a killer for your creativity!



Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Carnival in Rio is organized in the former capital of Brazil (1763-1960) – Rio de Janeiro. Situated between  mountains and sea it provides its visitors beautiful beaches, lovely scenery and unusual culture. Rio is the ideal place for such an event . Contributing to the mood of the town are the local people who live in the rhythm of their national music – choro , samba and bossa nova . Brazilians are very proud of the Carnival ; This year’s carnival is expected  to be visited by  700,000 foreigners.

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The Carnival in Rio is a real extravaganza of colors, movements and beautiful bodies all under the fiery rhythm of samba . The carnival is organized at the end of February or early March each year. The very first event was held in 1830. Rio pulsates to the rhythm of Carnival 4 days and 4 nights.It always starts on Saturday – exactly 40 days before Easter , and its end is the last day before Lent. Its appearance  is still preserved since its establishment, which includes a variety of events – from street parties, parades and circuses to masquerades , various theme parties and dances .

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During the Carnival themain boulevard Sambadrom – or also called Boulevard of samba is filled with thousands of dancers. The biggest event during the Carnival parade is the 13 samba schools in the city,which are dancing to the crazy rhythms on different platforms and structures for 2 nights. Each school has its own scene and theme of dance and creates its own original storyline , which contains a brief history . Each dance troupe openes the show with 10 to 15 people , which aims to promote the school and set up the audience for their upcoming choreography. Later in the performance each school involves some 5,000 dancers , and each has its own role and everything is exercised many times, so that it looks perfect . Usually the stands has about 100 000 people , although there are only seats for 60,000 . Sets and costumes of the schools this year reached a record 28 million dollars worth , as to win the Carnival in Rio is a great prestige.

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During the carnival in Rio a lot of  different music bands play and sing as many Brazilians dance and have fun. So that at any time when you want to join the fun , just join in with a dance step .

King of the Carnival or the so-called Momo , has always been happy and elected local fat uncle, as was required to be at least 100 kg, but for the sake of the global fight against unhealthy eating , Momo this year will be healthy , lean and muscular.

The combination of a parade , street carnival and crazy music makes Carnival in Rio the greatest show and the craziest party in the world. Combine all this beauty with the irresistible beaches in Brazil and it just becames an explosive combination that you should visit .

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Chocolate Hills, Philippines

Almost all children would be glad a lot if they see a mountain of chocolate. And what about the first 268m hill made of chocolate?

Consisting of 1268 hills with a perfect conical shape of the same size , spread over an area of 50 square kilometers, this highly unusual geological formation, called Chocolate Hills , is located in Bohol , Philippines. There are several hypotheses for the formation of the hills. Including eroded limestone oceanic volcanism , uplift of the seafloor and a more recent theory is that as an ancient active volcano that was self-destructed , it spewed huge blocks of stone which were then covered  with limestone and thrust forth from the ocean .

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Naturally, in Bohol people will tell you two stories about the origin of the hills. Better known for the two giants who are pelted with stones and large rocks. After almost two days of battle , they felt completely exhausted and soon forgot why they have started to fight and left as friends.
A more romantic version of a giant called Arogi who fell in love with Aloya . When Aloya died Arogi highly grieved and wept , and his huge tears rained down on the ground and then hardened , becoming the Chocolate Hills as evidence of his eternal sorrow.

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6 calcium-rich foods for your bones

Include these calcium-rich foods in your diet to maintain healthy bones and joints.

Milk: Milk is the best source of calcium, not only for children but also for adults. Moreover, the calcium is in a form that can be easily digested and absorbed by your body.

Yogurt: It is High in protein and contains healthy bacteria for your gut.Yogurt is said to offer 400 mg of calcium in a single serving. Choose non-fattening flavoured yogurt for a satisfying and healthy snack. Besides milk and yogurt, dairy products such as cheese is also a good idea for a source of calcium.

Leafy greens: Many vegetables, especially the leafy green ones, are rich sources of calcium. Opt from spinach, turnip, kale, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus and mushrooms or toss all of them into a salad.

Beans: For another rich source of calcium, try kidney beans, white beans or baked ones.

Herbs and spices: Herbs like basil, thyme, cinnamon, mint and spices like garlic not only enhance the flavour of your food but also provide calcium to your body.

Oranges: Citrus fruits like oranges are not only rich in calcium but also contain vitamin D that is essential to absorb the calcium in the body. Have it as a fruit or squeeze out its juice and have it as a drink.

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Lake Superior, Canada

 Lake Lake Superior is the largest of the five Great Lakes in North America. Bordered on the north by the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of Minnesota , and to the south – with the U.S. states of Wisconsin and Michigan. It is the largest freshwater lake in the world that has an area of 82 103 km2. Only the area of the Canadian territory of the lake is 28 700 km2 , thus it is the third largest lake in Canada and 2nd in the province of Ontario. The altitude of the water is 183 meters.

 Lake Superior is the third largest freshwater lake in the world by volume of 11,600 km3  after it is Baikal in Russia(we have a post for it as well!) and Tanganyika in Africa.

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3 ways to keep yourself fit

Incorporate more movement into your daily life and watch what you eat. Here are three ways to keep fit through proper nutrition.

  • Avoid added sugar

A scoop here , two there, and here’s a bunch of empty calories . The most common sources of unnecessary added sugar than spoons of sugar in coffee are sweetened sodas , pasta, breakfast cereals , confectionery , sweetened dairy products ( sweetened sour and fresh milk ) , ice cream and fruit drinks containing sugar.

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  What remains as healthy then ? Meat, vegetables, fruit , eggs, whole grains and dairy products without added sugar.

  • Do not be afraid of fat

 Yes , fats contribute to weight gain . No, do not avoid them completely.

Benefits of fat is that they sate and add flavor to your food . For these two reasons, it is better to include them in moderate amounts in your diet to avoid feeling hungry and deprived of delicious food.

Still depends on the fat. You should not be afraid of the fat in meat, cheese , milk, butter , olive oil , nuts , avocados.

 How much fat should you accept? Experts say 1.1 grams per kilogram of body weight.If you weigh 75 kg you should take no more than 82 grams of fat per day.

  • Preparing your own meals

The more time and effort you put into this, the less you’ll have to eat out at fast food restaurants. Studies show that people can take up to 500 more calories on days they eat out compared to the days they do not eat out.

 Clearly, when you’re busy, you can not sit down and cook, but this does not preclude efforts. On weekends and evenings you can spend time on something homemade and healthy.

Burn fat, summer edition – Part 1

Summer is the season in which you will have to throw away the thick winter clothes and put something sexy and emphasize your figure.

 Winter slows down metabolism and  alongside the many holidays we eat not the healthiest food,therefore it is normal to put in some extra kilograms.

 Now is the last train that you should definitely catch if you have missed for one reason or another the other – bring  into shape for the summer season.

 So start with the principle of the pyramid. The fastest way to get in shape (less body fat percentage) is cardio. It can be practiced both in the gym and outdoors – in the park or a stadium for example. I recommend you to combine both. When the weather is nice, you can run outdoors, preferably on level ground, but it  is preferable to be equipped with a calorimeter so that you can see how much you burn.


Legend of Baba Marta

Baba Marta is a mythical character from the Bulgarian folklore. According to the folk tradition the name is associated with March. Except March, January and February also have a special place in Bulgarian mythological ideas. January and February are presented as brothers with a spicy character – Large beetle-Small beetle, January and February . Baba Marta is considered their sister ‘s mood – sometimes smiling and benevolent , sometimes unpredictably evil.The Nature of Baba Marta is consistent with the changing weather in March.

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Old are the sources describing how the Bulgarians have been decorated with red and white threads for health, strength and longevity. Most likely, the holiday is inherently Bulgarian originating from 580 – 630th AD. From Asia ( the continent on which initially Bulgarians live ) the tradition is transferred to Europe with the migration of a large group of Bulgarians led by Khan Asparuh. The tradition is observed today in the territories that were once Bulgarian – part of Romania, Macedonia, part of Greece, Serbia, and also in some of today’s Russia .

Each year, before the beginning of March, Bulgarians give ‘martenitsi’ made ​​of red and white threads , traditionally of wool . This makes for health and happiness. On March 1st Bulgarians put martenitsi clothes or wrists and wish health and happiness with the words “Happy Baba Marta .” The holiday symbolizes the end of winter and the coming of spring.

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True stories of legends

Who was actually genius Da Vinci ? Was Marilyn Monroe a femme fatale and in her personal life ? has prepared for you a series of autobiographies of people from all over the world who have changed it by way of misline , inventions and way of life! We Will look through their child years , successes and failures that they have had , and the most important events representing the top of their development.

Travel around the places where they have gone. Find the historical reality in which they have lived  and discover their true personality – the man who hides behind the image .

  • Reread the history of mankind through the wonderful biographies !


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10 reasons to drink warm water and lemon

 Try to always start the day with a cup of warm water and lemon.

The juice of the lemon  has a main property in giving our own body an  contrary action, that is alkalizing . These acids give the body a basic reaction. During the metabolization citric,the acid oxidizes and the  derived salts  give rise to carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and potassium which contributes to the alkalinity of the blood.

These benefits of starting your day with a lemon :

1 . Strengthens the immune system : Lemons are rich in vitamin C and potassium , which stimulates the brain and nerve functions . Potassium also helps control blood pressure .

2 . Balances the PH : Drinking lemon water every day reduces the total acidity of your body. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods . Yes, the lemon has citric acid, but does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.

3 . It helps with weight loss : Lemons are high in fiber pectin , which helps to fight hunger. It has also been shown that people who have a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.

4 . Helps digestion : encourages the liver to produce bile, which is an acid that is required for digestion. The digestion is efficient and reduces heartburn and constipation.

5 . It is a diuretic : Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body , which helps to purify . The toxins are therefore released more quickly which helps to maintain urinary tract.

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6 . Cleans the skin : The vitamin C component helps to decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water flushes out toxins from the blood and helps to keep your skin clear . In fact , it can be applied directly to scars to reduce their appearance .

7 . Freshens breath : Not only that, but it can help relieve the pain and gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel,so be careful not to overdose. We therefore recommend you to rinse thoroughly with water after drinking or brushing teeth.

8 . Relieves respiratory problems : Warm lemon water helps to get rid of chest infections and stop the annoying cough .

9 . It helps against dehydration : A cup of water and lemon juice in the morning prevents dehydration and the so-called chronic fatigue or adrenal fatigue . When the body is dehydrated , or profoundly dehydrated ( adrenal fatigue ) it can not carry out all its functions properly, and this leads to accumulation of toxins, stress , constipation, and a host of other ailments.

10 . Help to remove coffee : After taking a glass of warm lemon water , most of the people suggest that they have no desire for coffee in the morning .

The water should be warm , because the cold water creates a shock to our intestine , and the dose of lemon ranges from 1/4 to 1/2 a day. It’s always good to start with less so that you get used to it.

Nutrition and hectic lifestyle

If your work is connected with trips, certainly you face the problem of nutrition. However, it is typical even for modern people who are constantly rushing somewhere and can not find time to eat healthy.

  • What is the problem?

 The fact that in everyday life  we eat  junk and have no time for healthy food, inevitably affects the figure. But how to stop halfway and cook some healthy vegetable soup? No way, so grab chips.

  • How to solve this problem?

 As with most food problems,the first tip is to cut down carbohydrates. The reason: every time you eat food high in carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, sugar and pasta) you increase insulin levels in the blood. Insulin is a hormone that gives the following order of your system.

 Of course, this does not mean giving up entirely of carbohydrates, just eat them in low quantities.



 When you’re out and about  it gets complicated. Not always you can find to eat something that is not a sandwich or a packet of biscuits. Then what? In this case, observe the following rule – if you have to eat something with carbs in it, try to have the next three meals with low-carb. Otherwise, if you eat a sandwich for breakfast, try not to repeat that until the end of the day.

 Look for any fruit or nuts, or find a place where you can order something cooked(meat, eggs, etc.) without bread, of course.

Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt is a natural rock salt which is unprocessed and unrefined and  is extracted at the foot of the Himalayas. And is considered the most valuable one of all salts . Its unique pink color is derived by the high concentration of minerals and trace elements such as iron and copper.  Properties and benefits of this salt rosaProprio have a particular origin , the pink salt has acquired some beneficial properties that differentiate it from the common salt . The normal table salt, in fact , reflects the current pollution of the seas. The Himalayan salt , however, is the purest salt because it is simply removed and washed without being subjected to any refining treatment . It is the only one that contains the right proportions of the minerals and the trace elements we need . Thanks to these features , the pink salt has some special healing properties . It is an excellent disinfectant and  therefore is ideal for idrosaline preparations for use in the prevention and treatment of disorders such as frequent colds, dermatitis , conjunctivitis . The pink salt is a good source of antioxidants as it is easily digestible and has a low sodium content which protects the skin and helps preserve the health of the intestinal mucosa by improving the functions of the intestinal microflora . This precious salt can be used for skin care as well. Its grains rubbed directly on the skin exert a profound action of peeling which eliminates dead cells . Dissolved in the water bath , it helps to firm and tone and improves circulation which helps to fight cellulite.  The pink salt is preferred  also common for the culinary properties . It has a more delicate flavor and is suitable to accompany and enhance the flavor of foods. Try it on meat and fish and especially in fresh water. Add it to the end of cooking soups, on green salads or on mixed and boiled vegetables . The pink salt is perfect on salmon trout in foil or on a tasty cut of beef . To conclude, pink salt is not only healthy but versatile.

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Sahaja Yoga meditation

The relationship between Sahaja Yoga and meditation

Sahaja Yoga meditation makes a leap in the evolution of human consciousness. Sahaja Yoga as a science and a system of meditation is created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and is now distributed in over 100 countries worldwide. Sahaja means ‘spontaneous’ and Yoga – union with the Self (Self-realization), which is the goal of all spiritual traditions.

This knowledge is ancient, but for a long time it was available only to a few souls, it was kept in secret and transmitted from guru to disciple. In the past, Self Realization was extremely difficult. Nowadays Shri Mataji makes this knowledge accessible to all and spontaneous mass Self-realization becomes a reality, experienced by hundreds of thousands of people and strengthened by meditation. Daily meditation Sahaja Yoga is a natural process that does not require effort and is not time consuming. 424px-SahajaSubtleSystem.svg

 We live in a world filled with our various concepts and ideas because the only tool that offers our knowledge , is the mind . Since there are no rules to distinguish the true masters of crooks , many seekers of truth have been blinded and have followed different fake guru , self-proclaimed who seek money or power.

 By practicing meditation Sahaja Yoga, our awareness gains a new dimension where the absolute truth can be felt tangibly on the central nervous system. People grow spiritually without effort, as the seed becomes a large tree . Physical, mental and emotional balance are the result of the spiritual upliftment .

  • Then we realize that we dont have only a body, mind, ego, conditionings, emotions or intellect, but something  basic and eternal, which dwells in our hearts in a pure and undisturbed state.

Cave in Kamchatka, Russia

Ice sculptures that take away your breath

Caves may scare some people, but other are a real beautiful mystery. These underground formations often hide in theirselves colors of the rainbow, interesting shapes and various ground unevenness that would amaze even a geologist.

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Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia is a tunnel, about a kilometer and was formed by hot spring water that has flowed under the ice floes along the flanks of the volcano Mutnovski.

The nature of the whole peninsula is  remarkable and unique. On its territory there are many lakes, wild rivers, large symmetrical volcanoes and spectacular coastline. In the early 90s of the last century, however, not only Russian scientists and enthusiasts have been aware of the island’s natural wealth. And the influx of tourists is huge.

When visiting caves and other natural formations observe strict rules in order to  preserve the caves.

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